Srinivas Parinandi. In Progress. The Political Economy of Electric Vehicles: A Global Primer. Under contract at Cambridge University Press.
Srinivas Parinandi. 2023. Following in Footsteps or Marching Alone? How Institutional Differences Influence Renewable Energy Policy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Julia Payson). Forthcoming."Residency Blues: The Unintended Consequences of Policy-Residency Requirements." Journal of Politics.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Sara Hoose and Hyodong Sohn). Forthcoming."Pro-Carbon Policymaking in Renewable Portfolio Standards: An Empirical Assessment."Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Jesse Crosson, Kai Peterson, and Sinan Nadarevic). 2024."Investigating the Politics and Content of U.S. State Artificial Intelligence Legislation."Business and Politics 26(2): 240-262.
Srinivas Parinandi. 2023. "What Happens When States Regulate First? Analyzing Governance of the Telegraph Industry in the Antebellum United States." Journal of Historical Political Economy 3(2): 277-303.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Alexander Jensen, Madeline Mader, Anand Sokhey, and Michael Byrd). 2023. "Federal Slavery Legislation and Voting in U.S. Gubernatorial Elections, 1840-1860." Journal of Historical Political Economy 3(2): 161-178.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Allyson Gold, Tyler Garrett, and Allen Slater). 2022. "Advancing Positive Water Rights."Maryland Law Review 81 MD L. REV. 449.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Jennifer Wolak). 2022."Does the Public Hold Governors Accountable for Policy Outcomes?" Political Research Quarterly 75(4): 1051-1064.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Jesse Crosson). 2021."Essential or Expedient? COVID-19 and Business Closures in the U.S. States." Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy 2(1): 81-102.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Stefani Langehennig and Mark Trautmann). 2021."Which Legislators Pay Attention to Other States' Policies? Comparing Cosponsorship to Floor Voting in the Diffusion of Renewable Portfolio Policy." Policy Studies Journal 49(2): 408-430.
Srinivas Parinandi. 2020."Policy Inventing and Borrowing among State Legislatures." American Journal of Political Science 64(4): 852-868.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Juliann Allison). 2020. "The Energy Politics of the United States." In The Oxford Handbook of Energy Politics (Kathleen Hancock and Juliann Allison, editors). New York: Oxford University Press.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Matthew Hitt). 2018. "How Politics Influences the Energy Pricing Decisions of Elected Public Utilities Commissioners." Energy Policy 118C: 77-87.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Vincent Arel-Bundock). 2018. "Conditional Tax Competition in the American States."Journal of Public Policy 38 (2): 191-220.
Srinivas Parinandi (with Jenna Bednar). "Comparative Politics of Federalism." In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Srinivas Parinandi. "Conditional Bureaucratic Discretion and State Welfare Diffusion under AFDC."2013. State Politics and Policy Quarterly 13 (2): 244-261.
Working Papers:
Srinivas Parinandi (with David Fortunato). "Social Returns to Legislative Capacity: Evidence from the Opioid Epidemic."